How to start


- & EARN -


while you sleep

Earn interest on crypto just by holding it!

EARN up to 80%+ APY*

a proven strategy e-course for beginners

See results in 10 days or less guaranteed or the course is free*

Smart investors are seizing the next
game-changing opportunity with

Proof of stake coins

A smart man once said:

"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep,
you will work until you die."
-Warren Buffet

Experts Agree:

Crypto is here to stay

Learn how to easily benefit from this innovative technology.

Advanced technical skills not required, anyone can start fast.

Don’t Allow yourself to be left behind on the next big opportunity

get results in days, not months

Learn about staking Crypto

Learn how staking crypto works and why it's the next big opportunity.

Learn to find staking coins

Master the art of vetting and selecting proof of stake coins like an established pro.

Setup and earn rewards

No Guesswork!
Follow step by step video tutorials to get started staking crypto immediately.

Short and easy to follow!

The course can be completed in just a few hours. Most people earn their first rewards in days.

super affordable

The e-course costs only $10

money back guarantee

If you don't generate any rewards in 10 days, we'll refund the cost of the course! *

According to these well known brands:

staking crypto Is the #1 way to earn passive income

SoFi describes staking crypto as the #1 way to earn passive income with blockchain tech:


Motley Fool outlines three ways to earn passive income, staking crypto taking #1 spot:

Yale University Ledger lists various ways to earn money with cryptocurrency. Staking crypto is #1 listed item:

Forbes discusses how average investors can benefit from proof of stake coins:

What is proof of stake?

The next big thing for cryptocurrency -->

A Consensus Method

A Consensus Method

A consensus method is how a network agrees on which transactions occur and are recorded to the blockchain.

Proof of Work (Bitcoin)

Bitcoin follows a Proof of Work consensus method that requires intense calculations.

Most people are familiar with news stories about how bitcoin requires expensive miners and lots of electricity to produce.

Proof of Work (Bitcoin)

Proof of Stake

Proof of Stake

In contrast, Proof of Stake uses a different technique where people simply hold coins to help secure the network.

Proof of stake doesn’t require expensive computers / miners, or lots of electricity. It only requires people to hold coins and temporarily lock them for a period of time.


Ethereum, the #2 cryptocurrency is moving to proof of stake.

This is a HUGE deal because it outlines just how innovative this technology is.

Proof of stake is positioned to become the next big thing in the crypto space and millions of people are already earning passive income staking their coins.



How it works

A brief summary:

How Staking Works

Staking crypto is easy enough for ANYONE to try!

1. Buy Coins

Staking requires a purchase of coins from an exchange.

2. Set Staking Options

To earn interest, you refrain from selling your coins. Some coins require a lock period such as 90 days.

3. Sit back and enjoy

That's all! Sit back and enjoy passive income. When your coins become unlocked, you may sell them or stake them once again.

Staking crypto is very similar to unspent money in the bank earning interest.

Start staking crypto with as little as $10.00 and earn up to 80% APY*

Popular staking coins include: Ethereum, Solana, Polkadot, Cosmos, and Many others

Why Staking is better than mining

1. Staking is easy enough for anyone to be successful. Expert technology skills are not required!

2. No expensive equipment or minimum investment amount. 

3. Without equipment costs, your first rewards are real profit.

Mining Bitcoin

Difficulty of setting up bitcoin miners
Initial Equipment costs


Staking Cryptocurrency

Difficulty of staking coins
Minimum Staking Investment amount

Why proof of stake
is a big deal

In comparison to Proof of Work coins,

Proof of Stake offers low transaction fees, low energy consumption, high security and fast confirmation times.

Many proof of stake coins cost less than $1.00 per transaction and take only a minute to process.

Transaction Cost
Energy Consumption

what you'll learn

This e course is guided by video instruction so you can easily follow along.

Core Topics Include:



With as little as $10 you can start staking coins and earning rewards.

The course is designed for beginners and should be easy for most people to follow. The course is designed to show you how to stake crypto quickly without overly technical aspects and advanced terminology.

Most people can finish the complete ecourse in under 3 hours.

The course is especially easy if you already know how to use a web browser to access services online (Netflix, banking ect..) -or- are able to install apps on your phone and signup for services (Facebook, Gmail ect..).

The money back guarantee is for users who fail to generate any coin rewards in ten days. Rewards are measured in coins generated, without regard to coin price. 

The guarantee requires the customer to signup for a coinbase account, fund it with at least $10, and follow the staking guide.

To claim the refund, simply submit the required forms of proof outlined in the user agreement within 10 days of purchase but not sooner than 7 days.

In the crypto world, staking is considered the least risky way to earn income.

Aside from price fluctuation, staking is generally a safe strategy. However, it does carry risk. 

Ultra Low Risk option:

You can stake stablecoins- coins that are always worth $1 that carry very low risk,  although the APY is generally much smaller i.e 0.5%-5%. This would be the safest of all staking strategies.

Low to Medium Risk, Higher APY option:

If the value of your staked coins falls, you can incur a loss.

You can minimize this risk by choosing strong and reputable coins. The strongest coins have the most chance of doubling or tripling (or more) in value over the next 10+ years.


Start Staking crypto today

Getting started is easy, Fast, and affordable with a money back guarantee.